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Note: This is a companion problem to the System Design problem: Design TinyURL.

TinyURL is a URL shortening service where you enter a URL such as https://leetcode.com/problems/design-tinyurl and it returns a short URL such as http://tinyurl.com/4e9iAk. Design a class to encode a URL and decode a tiny URL.

There is no restriction on how your encode/decode algorithm should work. You just need to ensure that a URL can be encoded to a tiny URL and the tiny URL can be decoded to the original URL.

Implement the Solution class:

  • Solution() Initializes the object of the system.
  • String encode(String longUrl) Returns a tiny URL for the given longUrl.
  • String decode(String shortUrl) Returns the original long URL for the given shortUrl. It is guaranteed that the given shortUrl was encoded by the same object.

Example 1:

Input: url = "https://leetcode.com/problems/design-tinyurl"
Output: "https://leetcode.com/problems/design-tinyurl"

Solution obj = new Solution();
string tiny = obj.encode(url); // returns the encoded tiny url.
string ans = obj.decode(tiny); // returns the original url after deconding it.


  • 1 <= url.length <= 10^4
  • url is guaranteed to be a valid URL.


方法 1:使用计数器

每次增加 1,放到 hashmap 中

  1. URL 的范围受到整数大小的限制,如果强制加入,会 overwrite
  2. 编码方式很容易被预测
public class Codec {
    Map<Integer, String> map = new HashMap<>();
    int i = 0;

    public String encode(String longUrl) {
        map.put(i, longUrl);
        return "http://tinyurl.com/" + i++;

    public String decode(String shortUrl) {
        return map.get(Integer.parseInt(shortUrl.replace("http://tinyurl.com/", "")));

方法 2:变长编码

  1. URL 的数量仍然受到整数大小的限制,因为用到了 count
  2. 编码可预测
public class Codec {

    String chars = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
    HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
    int count = 1;

    public String getString() {
        int c = count;
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        while (c > 0) {
            sb.append(chars.charAt(c % 62));
            c /= 62;

        return sb.toString();

    public String encode(String longUrl) {
        String key = getString();
        map.put(key, longUrl);
        return "http://tinyurl.com/" + key;

    public String decode(String shortUrl) {
        return map.get(shortUrl.replace("http://tinyurl.com/", ""));

方法 3:使用 hashCode

  • HashCode()并不能保证产生 unique 的编码,因此有可能重复
  • 预测很困难
public class Codec {
    Map<Integer, String> map = new HashMap<>();

    public String encode(String longUrl) {
        map.put(longUrl.hashCode(), longUrl);

        return "http://tinyurl.com/" + longUrl.hashCode();

    public String decode(String shortUrl) {
        return map.get(Integer.parseInt(shortUrl.replace("http://tinyurl.com/", "")));

方法 4:随机数,如果重复了就再产生一个

  • 无法预测
  • 数量受限
public class Codec {
    Map<Integer, String> map = new HashMap<>();
    Random r = new Random();
    int key = r.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE);

    public String encode(String longUrl) {
        while (map.containsKey(key)) {
            key = r.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
        map.put(key, longUrl);

        return "http://tinyurl.com/" + key;

    public String decode(String shortUrl) {
        return map.get(Integer.parseInt(shortUrl.replace("http://tinyurl.com/", "")));

方法 5:比较好的方法, 固定长度, 随机字符

能产生很多的 url: (10 + 26 + 26)^6 ​

  • 降低了编码长度,固定为 6
  • 很难重复
  • 可以通过增加字符长度增加编码数量
  • 无法预测
public class Codec {
    String alphabet = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
    HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
    Random rand = new Random();
    String key = getRand();

    public String getRand() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        // 长度固定为6
        for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
            // 随机字符对应

        return sb.toString();

    public String encode(String longUrl) {
        while (map.containsKey(key)) {
            key = getRand();

        map.put(key, longUrl);

        return "http://tinyurl.com/" + key;

    public String decode(String shortUrl) {
        return map.get(shortUrl.replace("http://tinyurl.com/", ""));

System Design - Design a URL Shortener

Step 1: Understand the problem and establish design scope

  1. Can you give me an example?
    • Suppose the original URL is https://www.youtube.com/id=123456&channel=jiakaobo&loggedin=jiakaobo. Your service should create an alias with shorter length: https://www.youtube.com/123adrqev. If you visit it, it should redirect you to the original URL
  2. What is the traffic volume?
    • 100 million URLs are generated pre day.
  3. How long is the shortened URL?
    • As short as possible
  4. What characters are allowed in the shortened URL?
    • Shortened URL can be 0-9, a-z, A-Z
  5. Can shortened URLs be deleted or updated?
    • For simplicity, let’s assume shortened URLs cannot be deleted or updated
  6. What are the basic use cases?
    • 1) URL shortening: given a long URL, return a shorter URL
    • 2) URL redirecting: given a shorter URL, redirect to the original URL
    • 3) High availability, scalability, and fault tolerance considerations
  7. Estimation
    • 1) Write operation: 100 million URLs are generated per day
    • 2) Write operation per second: 100 million / 24 / 3600 = 1160
    • 3) Read operation: assuming ratio of read operation to write operation is 10:1, so read operation per second: 1160 * 10 = 11600
    • 4) Assuming the URL shortener service will run for 10 years, this means we must support 100 million * 365 = 36.5 billion records.
    • 5) Assume average URL length is 100.
    • 6) Storage requirement over 10 years: 365 billion * 100 bytes * 10 years = 365 TB

Step 2: Propose high-level design and get buy-in

1. URL shortening - create new short URL

POST api/v1/data/shorten

    longUrl: longUrlString

return shortUrl

2. URL redirecting - redirect short URL to long URL

GET api/v1/shortUrl

return longURL for HTTP redirection




Redirection messages 300 - 308

  • 301: moved permanently, browser will remember the redirected URL instead of check server
  • 302: moved temporarily (not recommended)
  • 303: same as 302, but convert any requests to GET
  • 307: same as 307, but keep HTTP methods, use case like submit form

Step 3: Design deep dive

1. Database

    short_url varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    long_url varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (id)


2. Hash function

1) Length

365 billion, 62 characters => 62 ^ 6 = ~56 billion, 62 ^ 7 = ~3521 billion

2) Base 62 conversion

id: 11157 十进制 -> (2)(55)(59) 62进制 -> 2TX -> https://www.tynyurl.com/2TX

3) Logic

if(longUrl in DB) {
    return shortUrl
} else {
    id = generateId() // ID generator service - distributed system 
    shortUrl = generateShortUrl(id)
    saveToDB(id, shortUrl, longUrl)
    return shortUrl

3. Performance

1) Save short/long URL into cache, when users hit shortURL, check cache

2) Use right HTTP status code, like 301

Step 4: Wrap up

  1. Rate limit
  2. Database scaling: replication, sharding
  3. Availability, consistency, reliability …